Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

  • DPD Calculate charges


Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the SCANIA factory.

Export of Products

Export of SCANIA products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All SCANIA products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant SCANIA: truck tractors, trucks, dump trucks, timber trucks, garbage trucks, concrete mixers, concrete pumps, grain carriers, municipal machinery, scrap trucks, shift machines, special purpose, cranes, trucks, road trains, urban buses, tourist, diesel power plants
  • Truck tractors SCANIA
    Truck tractors
    P360, G440, R500, etc.
  • Trucks for the city SCANIA
    Trucks for the city
    P250, P310, R420, etc.
  • Dump trucks SCANIA
    Dump trucks
    P440 8x4, G440 8x8, etc.
  • Logging trucks SCANIA
    Logging trucks
    P440 6x4, G480 6x6, etc.
  • Garbage trucks SCANIA
    Garbage trucks
    P270 4x2, P360 6x4, etc.
  • Concrete mixers SCANIA
    Concrete mixers
    P400 6x4, P400 8x4, etc.
  • Fuel trucks SCANIA
    Fuel trucks
    P360 6x6, etc.
  • Utility equipment SCANIA
    Utility equipment
    sweepers, etc.
  • Grain carriers SCANIA
    Grain carriers
    P400 6x4, P440 6x2, etc.
  • Scrap trucks SCANIA
    Scrap trucks
    P400 6x4, P420 6x4, etc.
  • Special cars SCANIA
    Special cars
    Tow trucks, for the army, etc.
  • Shift cars SCANIA
    Shift cars
    P360 4x4, G360 6x6, etc.
  • The buses SCANIA
    The buses
    VOYAGE, Higer A80, etc.
  • Diesel power plants  SCANIA
    Diesel power plants
    DG-200, DG-300, DG-400, etc.
  • Engines SCANIA
    DI09, DI13, etc.


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